Amino acid analysis: For accurate quantification of protein and amino acid content
We perform amino acid analysis for a variety of applications and for diverse range of customers.
Amino acid analysis is the most accurate way to determine the composition and quantity of protein in a sample. It is an important tool in research, product development and quality control in the food, feed, drug and supplement industries as well as an aid to research in clinical and veterinary medicine.
Analysis methodology
Our method of post-column detection ensures that unlike other methods, quantification is for each individual amino acid and eliminates any nitrogen containing compounds other methods may detect and quantify as proteins.
Another advantage of our method is that we can analyse a diverse range of sample types from beers nutraceutical products to plasma and peptides and the sample doesn’t need to be pure protein as we extract and separation the amino acids prior to detection.
Uses for amino acid analysis include:
- Accurate protein quantification for a variety of sample types
- Quantification of free amino acids in serum and physiological samples
- Exploring protein structure and function in basic biological and pharmaceutical R&D
- Monitoring fermentation and cell culture processes
- Quantifying the amounts of protein and amino acids and the relative amounts of bound and free amino acids in protein chemistry applications, synthetic peptides, serum, growth media and food, drink and animal feed
- Characterising recombinant proteins and registering protein and peptide drugs
- Nutritional analysis of food and animal feed, including specialist dietary products such as low protein foods or foods containing phenylalanine. Read more about measuring phenylalanine content.
- Detection of non-standard amino acids, such as taurine in animal foods and sports drinks, intermediates in biosynthesis and non-proteogenic amino acids in synthetic biology
- Calibration of protein assays
- Quantitation of non-amino acid compounds e.g. amino sugars
- Quantification of net peptide content of synthesised peptides
Accredited by UKAS to ISO 17025:2017 (2370)
Our amino acid analysis and protein sequencing services are accredited by UKAS to ISO 17025:2017 (2370) meaning our testing is performed to the highest quality standards. Our laboratories use state of the art technology and optimised processes to carry out fast, accurate, quantitative amino acid analysis using the most robust analytical method, post-column detection.
The advantage of post column detection enables our technical experts to work with a wide range of sample types, including samples of food, drink, serum and animal feed. Turnaround is fast, with multiple instruments to avoid delays. We also offer an optional ‘Express Service’ when results are required urgently.
To make the most of amino acid analysis results requires expert and in-depth data interpretation and analysis. Our technical experts provide a clear and easy to understand final report.
Types of analysis
We offer two main types of analysis, ‘total’ and ‘free’ amino acid analysis.
Total amino acid analysis determines the amino acids which are bound in proteins as well as those amino acids that may be present as individual unbound units.
Free amino acid analysis determines the amount of each unbound individual amino acid i.e. not bound in a protein.
Some application may require both analyses to determine the difference in bound and unbound amino acids.
Amino acids offered routinely as part of our Total and Free analysis methods.
This list is not exhaustive as we can perform custom analysis and method development and would be happy to discuss your individual requirements.
More detail on these types of analyses can be found here.
E: T: +44 (0)1527 584495
Author: Sarah Hawker, Senior Analyst