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N-terminal protein sequencing

Our protein sequencing service, accredited by UKAS to ISO 17025:2017 (2370), helps determine the exact amino acid sequence of your purified peptide or protein.

Otherwise known as Edman degradation, this technique is known for its high reliability, robustness and accuracy in providing an unambiguous amino acid sequence read that can be used for peptide or protein identification and characterisation.


Our protein characterisation service works within industry-leading turnaround times, with results usually within 7 working days. We also offer a priority service for when results are required within 2-4 days.

ISO 17025 ACCREDITED (2370)

With unrivalled expertise in peptide and protein sequencing for more than 50 years and UKAS accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (2370) for our methods, our scientific analysis laboratory gives you complete confidence in the results obtained.


From your initial enquiry through to the sequencing of your purified peptide or protein, you will have expert advice directly from our experienced scientists. Data is archived for a minimum of seven years should you need to refer back.


Protein sequencing projects come with a clear and easy-to-understand report and internal standard run with every sample. A validation study with application report is also available on request.


Our protein sequencing method, Edman degradation, is recognised as the definitive method and accepted as being the most reliable, robust and accurate method, providing an unambiguous amino acid sequence read.


We routinely work with pharmaceutical and biotech companies, research institutes and university academics.

N-terminal protein sequencing services

We offer the following protein sequencing services to customers worldwide from our ISO 9001-certified laboratory. Our N-terminal protein sequencing service is also accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Sequencing of samples provided on PVDF blots, as gel slices or proteins/peptides in solution or as dried material.
Advanced technology using instruments capable of high throughput and sensitive to the picomole level.
Edman degradation method capable of reads of up to 45 amino acids (sample dependent)
Positive identification of Cysteine residues for peptides or proteins supplied in solution or as dried material where required.
Post-translational modifications such as hydroxyproline, norValine, norLeucine are also easily identified.

Information on preparing and sending samples for N-terminal sequencing can be found on our protein sequencing sample information page.

Protein sequencing applications

Protein sequencing is an important tool for many scientific areas, such as drug development, biotechnology, and biochemistry. By providing insights into the structure, function, and interactions of proteins, protein sequencing plays a critical role in advancing our understanding of biological processes and in the development of new therapies and treatments. Protein characterisation services are routinely used for the following applications:

  • To confirm the amino acid sequence of proteins, peptides and antibodies
  • To identify and characterise proteins and peptides by comparing the obtained sequence with sequences in protein databases.
  • To identify protein truncation sites and better understand the protein degradation mechanisms
  • To determine the presence and location of post-translational modifications
  • For quality control to confirm the correct translation of a recombinant protein
  • For identification of potential drug targets by studying the characteristics and function of specific proteins
  • To understand the structure and function of specific proteins, which is essential for drug design and many other applications.
  • For identification of mutations and variants in proteins, which can provide insights into disease susceptibility and pathogenesis.
  • For the study of evolutionary relationships among species, by comparing the amino acid sequences of homologous proteins.
  • To ensure the quality and purity of biopharmaceuticals, such as monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins.
  • For the study of protein-protein interactions, which are critical for understanding many cellular processes.
  • As a fundamental tool in proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins and their functions.
  • For identification of biomarkers, which are specific proteins or protein patterns that can indicate the presence of a disease or a response to a treatment.

Frequently asked questions about protein sequencing

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AltaBioscience Ltd

37 Walkers Road,
Manor Side,
B98 9HE

Telephone: +44 (0)1527 584495

Registered in England and Wales: 37 Walkers Road, Redditch, B98 9HE. Registered Number: 07278564